Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru dev Maheshwara, guru sakshat param brahm, tasamei shri guru vai namah
Complete guru is fully knowledgeable of all religious texts.
In Yajurveda chapter 19, mantra 25, 26 it is written that a saint who will complete the incomplete sentences of the Vedas, i.e. the symbolic words and elaborate one fourth verse and tells the worship of three times, he is the complete saint. At present Saint Rampalji Maharaj is that saint.
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There is evidence in the Vedas that the one who will be the savior of the world, (complete saint), will perform aarti of three times and make his devotees do it as well. In the morning and evening aarti of Supreme God and in mid day aarti of all deities.
Evidence: - Rigveda Mandal no. 8 Sukta 1 Mantra 9 and Yajurveda Chapter 19 Mantra 26.
Kabir, saat dvip, no khand mein, guru se bada na koi, karta kare na kar sake, guru kare so hoi.
No one is greater than the Guru in the seven islands, nine khands. And a complete guru can do everything that God can do.
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In today's time, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Satguru who is explaining true knowledge and giving us right way of worship.
Only a complete guru can liberate a person from the disease of birth and death and gives the path of salvation. In today's time, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the complete Guru, take initiation from him and get your welfare done.
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In Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23, it is proved that the complete guru and Tatvadarshi saint is one who gives initiation of three mantras, Om, Tat, Sat. Tat and sat is symbolic, which are given by saint Rampalji Maharaj.
The Satguru is one who filters the milk and water of spiritual knowledge and shows the right way of worship, which is according to the scriptures.
It is the Guru who tells us scriptural practice that gives us happiness and complete salvation.
pratham ved shastra ka gyana,
duje hari bhakti man, karm, vaani,
tije sam drishti kar jani,
Chotha ved Vidhi sab karma,
ye char guru gun jano marma.
This speech is on page 1960, of Kabir Sagar, Jeev Dharma Bodh Chapter, in which Parmeshwar Kabir has told four characteristics of Satguru.
Guru murti, gati chandrama,
sevak nain chakor,
aath pahar nirkhat rahe,
guru murti ki aur.
God Kabir is telling the glory of the Guru, that the Guru's image is like the moon and the eyes of the servant is like the chakor bird. Therefore a disciple keep watching the image of guru in his heart all the time.
In Kabir Saheb's vaani,
Soi guru pura kahawe,
do akhkhar ka bhed batawe.
Kabir, Jo mam sant sat updesh dridhawe, (batawe), wake sang sabhi rad badhawe.
Kabir ji is explaining in this speech that all the saints and mahants will quarrel with true saint who will tell right way of worship. This will be his identity. Saint Rampalji Maharaj is that complete saint.
A true guru creates a clean society with his true knowledge. A hypocrisy free, drug-free, dowry-free, corruption-free society is being build under the leadership of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
On this Guru Purnima, know the importance of Satguru and the way to attain salvation. Must watch Ishwar TV from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily.