
Monday, July 27, 2020


(Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎, romanized: ʿīd al-ʾaḍḥā, lit. 'Feast of the Sacrifice', IPA: [ʕiːd alˈʔadˤħaː]) , also called the "Festival of the Sacrifice", is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year (the other being Eid al-Fitr), and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim(Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismael as an act of obedience to God's command. But, before Ibrahim could sacrifice his son, God provided a lamb to sacrifice instead. In commemoration of this intervention, an animal, usually a sheep, is sacrificed ritually and divided into three parts. One share is given to the poor and needy, another is kept for home, and the third is given to relatives.

In the Islamic lunar calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, and lasts for four days. In the international (Gregorian) calendar, the dates vary from year to year shifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.

Other names in different languages

In languages other than Arabic, the name is often simply translated into the local language, such as Eid Qurban (Persian: عيد قربان‎), Qurban Bayrami (Azerbaijani: Qurban Bayramı), Tafaska tameqrant (Berber languages: Amazigh), English Feast of the Sacrifice, German Opferfest, Dutch Offerfeest, Romanian Sărbătoarea Sacrificiului, and Hungarian Áldozati ünnep. In Spanish it is known as Fiesta del Cordero[5] or Fiesta del Borrego (both meaning "festival of the lamb"). In Kurdish it is known as (Cejna Qurbanê / جەژنی قوربان). It is also known as Eid Qurban (عید قربان) in Persian speaking countries such as Afghanistan and Iran, Kurban Bayramı[6][7] in Turkey, Qurban Bayramı in Azerbaijan, কোরবানীর ঈদ in Bangladesh, as عید الكبير the big Feast in the Maghreb, as Iduladha, Hari Raya Aidiladha, Hari Raya Haji or Hari Raya Korban in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, as بکرا عید "Goat Eid" or بڑی عید "Greater Eid" in India and Pakistan, Bakara Eid in Trinidad and Tobago, as 𞤔𞤓𞥅𞤂𞤁𞤉 𞤁𞤌𞤐𞤑𞤋𞤐 or Juulde Donkin in the Fulfulde language, as Tabaski or Tobaski in The Gambia, Guinea, and Senegal (most probably borrowed from the Serer language – and an ancient Serer religious festival[8][9][10][11]), and as Odún Iléyá by the Yorúbà people of Nigeria[12][13][14][15]

Purpose of sacrifice
The purpose of Sacrifice in Eid al-Adha is not about shedding of blood just to satisfy Allah. It is about sacrificing something devotees love the most to show their devotion to Allah. It is also obligatory to share the meat of the sacrificed animal in three equivalent parts - for family, for relatives and friends, and for poor people. The celebration has a clear message of devotion, kindness and equality. It is said that the meat will not reach to Allah, nor will the blood, but what reaches him is the devotion of devotees.[33]

During Eid al-Adha, distributing meat amongst the people, chanting the takbir out loud before the Eid prayers on the first day and after prayers throughout the three days of Eid, are considered essential parts of this important Islamic festival.[39]

Eid al-Adha in the Gregorian calendar

While Eid al-Adha is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. The lunar calendar is approximately eleven days shorter than the solar calendar.[44] Each year, Eid al-Adha (like other Islamic holidays) falls on one of about two to four different Gregorian dates in different parts of the world, because the boundary of crescent visibility is different from the International Date Line.

Can Allah be happy with killing innocent animals?

No, Non-vegetarians, are guilty of animal killings.
Speech of devotion and liberation does not sound good from such people.


Eating meat is a great sin because eating meat in all our scriptures is prohibited and it is God's command .
A meat eater cannot attain God.

"Nabi Mohammad Namaskar hai, Ram Rasool Kahaya, ek lakh 80 ko saugandh, jin nahin karad chalaya, aras kuras par alah takhat hai, khalik bin nahi khali, ve paigambar pak purush the, sahib ke abdali".


Garibdasji Maharaj says in his speech that Prophet Muhammad was a very good soul of God. He never ate meat and told his 1 lakh 80 thousand disciples not to eat it.

Eating meat is not God's order.
Holy Bible (Genesis 1:29)
The Lord has provided all the small trees that contain seeds and big trees with fruits for food, he has not ordered to eat meat.

“He who permits the slaughter of an animal, he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells meat, he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, must all be considered as the slayers of the animal.
(Manu-samhita 5.51-52)

A false tradition practiced by non-vegetarians for the taste of their tongue.
By which some foolish people lie to please Allah and kill innocent creatures and tie the bundles of sins.

Message of Allah on bakra eid
"Garib, kazi khilas uthay le, taj roje ki rest, Garib das Allah bhajo, yo samay jayega beet."
God said that Kazi-mulla should abandon these wrong practices and worship that one Allah/God, otherwise this precious human life will be spoiled.


In conclusion, I will like to say that God will not be happy by killing goat or sheeps. They are also loving souls of god. All creatures are equal for god. So stop killing animals on the name of God. God will be happy by right way of worship. At present saint Rampalji maharaj is the baakhabar saint by Allah Kabir. Take initiation from him and get your welfare done.

To know more watch Sadhna channel at 7:30 p.m.

For more information, read books written by Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji: - Gyan Ganga, Way of living, Geeta Tera Gyan Amrit, Garima Geeta ki, Andh shraddha bhakti khatra-e-Jaan etc. publications

Fill this form to get free name initiation from Jagatguru Tattvarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Supreme knowledge of God Kabir

Self-knowledge ( How the soul is born? What is the permanent place of the soul? Where has the soul come from? What is the state of the soul after leaving the body?) And Paramatmagyan (Who is the divine? Where he resides? How to get? What does he look like?) Nobody has given information till today except God Kabir Sahib.

Ham hi Alakh Alah hain Qutub Gos aur Pir,
Garibdas Khalik Dhani, Hamra Nam Kabir.
 Kabir made us realise that if we will not worship according to our holy scriptures then we will have to suffer in 84 lakh yonis.
Only by satbhakti we can get rid of kaal trap.

Today's society considers Kabir Saheb as a normal saint. But the truth is that Kabir Saheb is the creator of all the universe's.
He himself comes on the earth to deliver his spiritual knowledge.

At present saint Rampalji maharaj is giving us true spiritual knowledge.
Lord Kabir himself interpreted and told what is written in our holy scriptures.

Kabir Parmeshwar changed the false thinking of human society that it's a sin to change a guru. Kabir Paramatma has said,
"Jab tak guru mile na sancha,
Tab tak guru karo pachasa."
It's not a sin to change a guru.

Satlok is the real home of all souls. From there all souls got trapped in the trap of "Kaal Brahm" and came in the cycle of birth and death. From here, one can go to Satlok (eternal place) by taking initiation from a complete saint and can attain salvation. Kabir Parmeshwar gave this true knowledge

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Holy Quran Sharif proves god is in form.

The God (Allah) wbo is narrating Quran Sharif is telling Hazrat Muhammad that he is the same god Kabir who created the nature whatever is between the earth and sky in 6 days and on the 7th day sat on the throne in his satlok above. Ask a (baakhabar one who is fully acquainted with him) tatvadarshi saint for the information about him.


To know about the real knowledge of the supreme god and how one can attain him, ask a tatvadarshi saint (baakhabar)I do not know.

Hazrat Muhammad ki regards as his god that Allah is referring to some other Supreme god have faith in that God Kabir who met you in the form of a Jinda Mahatma, is never going to die, he is eternal in reality and celebrates his Glory with praise, that Kabir Allah is worthy of being worshipped and is the destroyer of all the sins of his worshippers.
For more information, read books written by Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji: - Gyan Ganga, Way of living, Geeta Tera Gyan Amrit, Garima Geeta ki,  Andh shraddha bhakti khatra-e-Jaan etc. publications

Fill this form to get free name initiation from Jagatguru Tattvarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Raksha Bandhan 2020


Rakshabandhan is a Hindu festival which is celebrated by brothers and sisters. Sisters tie a Rakhi on the wrists of their brothers on this day. ‘Raksha’ means protection and ‘Bandhan’ means a tie. Brothers and sisters promise to protect each other on this day.

Celebrated on the full-moon day of the Hindu month of Sravana (July/August), this festival celebrates the love of a brother for his sister. On this day, sisters tie rakhi on the wrists of their brothers to protect them against evil influences, and pray for their long life and happiness. 


Sisters put rakhi, sweet, Diya and Haldi on a thali. Brothers bring their sister’s favourite things as gifts to give them in return. They both sit at one place and perform the ritual. Sisters tie the colourful sacred thread and make their brothers eat sweet with their own hands with love. Brothers ask for their blessings and also offer the gifts.

Rakshabandhan is the celebration of the relationship of brother and sister and their bond. The rakhi is a symbol of a sister’s love that stays with a brother forever. It is a festival to celebrate love and duty.

The festival follows the traditional Hindu calendar; it is celebrated in the month of Sawan. It has fallen on the third of August this month.

The festival follows Hindu traditions. The sister ties a thread, called the Rakhi, around her brother's wrist. The thread stands for love, fraternity, and lifelong support.

Brothers and sisters celebrate the festival. It can, however, be observed between any man and woman who share a brotherly bond of love.

The ritual of Raksha Bandhan was followed by Yama, the Lord of Death and Yamuna, the river that flows in India. The story goes that when Yamuna tied a rakhi to Yama, the lord of death granted her 

The history of Rakshabandhan dates back to Hindu mythology. As per Hindu mythology, in Mahabharata, the great Indian epic, Draupadi, wife of the Pandavas had torn the corner of her sari to prevent Lord Krishna's wrist from bleeding (he had inadvertently hurt himself). Thus, a bond, that of brother and sister developed between them, and he promised to protect her.

Some places in medieval India, where women felt unsafe, they tie Rakhi on the wrist of men, regarding them as brothers. In this way, Rakhi strengthens the bond of love between brothers and sisters, and revives the emotional bonding. Brahmins change their sacred thread (janoi) on this day, and dedicate themselves once again to the study of the scriptures.


The history of Rakshabandhan is only 6000 years old, even before that brothers were protected. When there was no Rakshasutra, then who used to protect them? The brother who cannot protect himself how can he protect his sister? No one is paying attention to the God who is the protector of all. God reminds you to take refuge of the capable.
If we want to get rid of the trap of Kaal, then we have to walk according to the law of God. Today there are many such sisters who don't have brothers, if this festival is celebrated, how much their soul must have suffered. At present, accidents on the day of Raksha Bandhan makes us think, why the life of brother us not protected even after tying a rakhi? We can be protected only by going in to the shelter of the Supreme God, for this we will have to do devotion by taking name initiation from the spiritual saint.

There will never be premature death and salvation will be attained. In the present life we ​​will be happy only by satbhakti.

To know who is the protector of all ?
God, whose devotion does not cause any trouble, please watch Sadhana channel from 7:30 p.m. and Ishwar tv from 8:30 p.m.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Who is a true guru?

True guru provides true spiritual knowledge by which one can attain salvation. At present saint Rampalji maharaj is true guru who is providing us true spiritual knowledge and right way of worship by which one can attain God.

Who is a true guru?

According to holy Kabir Sagar, a complete saint has four main qualities: -
1. He is fully knowledgeable of all the scriptures.
2. He himself does Satbhakti with mind-action-words and makes his followers do it.
3. He treats all the followers with equal vision, removing the distinction of high and low.
4. He performs and conducts devotional practices according to our holy scriptures.
The definition of complete Satguru only fits on Saint Rampalji Maharaj.

Satguru is one who solves all our doubts with tatvagyan. Spiritual doubts which have not been solved till date.


In Kabir Saheb's vaani,
Soi guru pura kahawe, do akhkhar ka bhed batawe.
In Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23, it is proved that the complete guru and Tatvadarshi saint is one who  gives initiation of three mantras, Om, Tat, Sat. Tat and sat is symbolic, which are given by saint Rampalji Maharaj.

To know about complete guru must watch Sadhna channel at 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Is Mobile phone the need of time ?

Is Mobile phones the need of time ?

Mobile phones have become an extremely popular gadget used for daily living and in most cases have replaced landlines when it comes to communication. By mobiles we can take and send pictures and videos instantly, as well as connect to the internet for surfing.
But we need to be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones before using them.

Advantages of Mobile Phones

One can take his mobile anywhere because of its size and communicate easily. This facility is not available with landline phones.

Easy access to the internet
One can easily search for essential data they might need. By mobile we can connect to the internet without utilizing a computer.


Cheaper than landline phones
Landline bill are more expensive than mobile bills and it includes convenient features like caller id, free sms and voice calls. These benefits can help us stay connected with families and friends who are living far away without incurring extra costs.

Easy to Communicate
Mobile phones allow parents and their children to stay in touch in any situation. Mobile phones can also be important in emergency situations when parents need to quickly get in touch with their children.

Easy Tracking Capabilities
The tracking devices installed in mobile phones allow someone, such as a parent, to know the exact location of their children.

Safety feature
No other technology, aside from the mobile phone, has made people feel more connected with emergency services or family and friends who can run to their rescue.

In Emergencies
Useful services, such as GPS and 24-7 hotlines can be accessed any time if you are in distress. For disastrous events, like a tornado, earthquake, adults and children can immediately call for help.

Pictures can be taken easily and quickly
With mobile phones, pictures can be taken instantly, sent out and deleted.

Powerful Learning Tool
Because of the latest features and applications put in mobile phones these days, children will learn a lot of things from it. Now children are more smart than before.

Making Children responsible
Mobile phones can help us teach children on how to be responsible.

Disadvantages of mobile Phones

Increased Cheating at School online classes.
Since these devices are compatible with the internet, schoolchildren can sometimes even find the answers using a search engine on their phones.

Expensive to buy
Mobile phones, especially smartphones, are really expensive to purchase, and poor people can't afford it.


High Level of Danger
Records reveal that texting while driving has already caused millions of deaths from traffic accidents each year.

More E-Waste
Everybody wishes to have the newest, fastest and fanciest mobile phone in the market, and manufacturers are happy to oblige. Latest upgrades are making millions of mobile phones obsolete each year.

Distraction from studies
These gadgets can connect children to the internet easily, they would be taken away from their study or homework.

Too Much Convenience
This is true especially among teenagers who do not their parents to always call them while they are away.

We are Addicted to it
We are addicted to our mobile phones, and the idea of leaving them at home or turning them off would give us anxiety.

There are already many cases where adults and children are receiving messages that include explicit messages from people who have their numbers and choose to send them such messages.

Finally, I would like to conclude that
It is a big fact that mobile phones are helpful to us.
Tatvadarshi saint Rampalji maharaj says God has given us intelligence to make it. It's God grace by which it could be made.
It's made to make people spirituality aware.

If we look at our past, there was no such device. If humans could make it, then it would have had been made in past. Present time is bhakti era, which was decided by God Kabir. God Kabir said that tatvagyan will reach every person. Everyone will recognise God and by satbhakti, souls will attain salvation.

Today almost all people are using mobile phones and understanding tatvagyan, taking initiation from saint Rampalji maharaj and getting their welfare done.

It is created with a good purpose in mind, but many individuals are failing to know how to use them in a proper way. When all will know the purpose behind it, earth will be heaven again.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Guru Purnima 2020

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru dev Maheshwara, guru sakshat param brahm, tasamei shri guru vai namah

Complete guru is fully knowledgeable of all religious texts.

In Yajurveda chapter 19, mantra 25, 26 it is written that a saint who will complete the incomplete sentences of the Vedas, i.e. the symbolic words and elaborate one fourth verse and tells the worship of three times, he is the complete saint. At present Saint Rampalji Maharaj is that saint.


There is evidence in the Vedas that the one who will be the savior of the world, (complete saint), will perform aarti of three times and make his devotees do it as well. In the morning and evening aarti of Supreme God and in mid day aarti of all deities.
Evidence: - Rigveda Mandal no. 8 Sukta 1 Mantra 9 and Yajurveda Chapter 19 Mantra 26.

Kabir, saat dvip, no khand mein, guru se bada na koi, karta kare na kar sake, guru kare so hoi.
No one is greater than the Guru in the seven islands, nine khands. And a complete guru can do everything that God can do.


In today's time, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Satguru who is explaining true knowledge and giving us right way of worship.

Only a complete guru can liberate a person from the disease of birth and death and gives the path of salvation. In today's time, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the complete Guru, take initiation from him and get your welfare done.


In Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23, it is proved that the complete guru and Tatvadarshi saint is one who gives initiation of three mantras, Om, Tat, Sat. Tat and sat is symbolic, which are given by saint Rampalji Maharaj.

The Satguru is one who filters the milk and water of spiritual knowledge and shows the right way of worship, which is according to the scriptures.

It is the Guru who tells us scriptural practice that gives us happiness and complete salvation.

Guru ke lakshan char bakhana,
pratham ved shastra ka gyana,
duje hari bhakti man, karm, vaani,
tije sam drishti kar jani,
Chotha ved Vidhi sab karma,
ye char guru gun jano marma.

This speech is on page 1960, of Kabir Sagar, Jeev Dharma Bodh Chapter, in which Parmeshwar Kabir has told four characteristics of Satguru.

Guru murti, gati chandrama,

sevak nain chakor,
aath pahar nirkhat rahe,
guru murti ki aur.

God Kabir is telling the glory of the Guru, that the Guru's image is like the moon and the eyes of the servant is like the chakor bird. Therefore a disciple keep watching the image of guru in his heart all the time.

In Kabir Saheb's vaani,
Soi guru pura kahawe,
do akhkhar ka bhed batawe.

Kabir, Jo mam sant sat updesh dridhawe, (batawe), wake sang sabhi rad badhawe.

Kabir ji is explaining in this speech that all the saints and mahants will quarrel with true saint who will tell right way of worship. This will be his identity. Saint Rampalji Maharaj is that complete saint.

A true guru creates a clean society with his true knowledge. A hypocrisy free, drug-free, dowry-free, corruption-free society is being build under the leadership of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

On this Guru Purnima, know the importance of Satguru and the way to attain salvation. Must watch Ishwar TV from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily.